Businesses Grants
Business property tax reduction for businesses
Examination of eligibility for a tax rebate will be carried out by the Small and Medium Business Agency in the Ministry of Economy and Industry.
For inquiries, you can contact by phone: *3569 extension 2, or by email:
For additional information (in Hebrew)
Apply for a grant for businesses for help with fixed expenses during the coronavirus crisis
The Tax Authority and the State of Israel wish to support businesses that have been hurt by the coronavirus.The grant is provided to help pay part of your fixed expenses such as rent, electricity, and water bills, if you continued to pay them during the crisis.
Click here for more information
Coronavirus expenses grant for self-employed workers
Responding to the coronavirus outbreak, the Israeli government approved a new program granting discounts on municipal business tax - until June 2021.
According to the program, a discount worth 95% of municipal tax will be granted to businesses meeting the necessary criteria. Eligibility will be determined by the Economy Ministry's Small and Medium Business Agency. Discounts will be granted automatically following approval by the agency. There is no need to approach local authorities.
Eligible companies:
- Companies with an annual turnover of up to NIS 200 million, and suffered a 60% drop in revenues compared the same period last year.
- Companies with an annual turnover between NIS 200m. and NIS 400m., and suffered an 80% drop in revenues compared the same period last year.
- Companies that commenced operations between January 1, 2020, and February 29, 2020, and are eligible for government assistance grants.
To submit a discount request:
- Submit a request for an expenses grant for self-employed workers on the Israel Tax Authority website:
- Following receipt of approval from the Tax Authority, submit the approval to the Small and Medium Business Agency via their website.
- The Agency is responsible for informing the local authority regarding eligible businesses.
- The local authority will grant a discount to eligible businesses automatically following receipt of approval from the Agency, and will update the relevant business in writing.
We recommend commencing the request process as soon as possible in order to swiftly receive the necessary approvals.