New Residents

Tel Aviv-Yafo is perhaps best known as a Global City, a Startup City, and the Nonstop City.​
Tel Aviv-Yafo is Israel's financial and cultural center. An international hub of art and creativity, of commerce and trade, of media and academia. It is a city that celebrates pluralism and tolerance, warmly embracing the many communities that compose its unique human mosaic.
However, for us at the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality, and the over 400,000 residents, Tel Aviv is just home, community and family.
The city offers a thriving educational system, community and cultural activities: libraries on the boulevard, matkot on the beach, yoga in the plaza, bubbles in a theatre forum and more.
Tel Aviv-Yafo was and continues to be a gateway for Aliyah for Jews from four corners of the earth. In the recent decade, the numbers of Olim has reached new levels. 

Olim that have chosen Tel Aviv-Yafo to build their future.

We are happy to welcome to your home!

Your Olim Resident To Do List

  • Make an Appointment at the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigration Absorption on Esther Ha Malka 6. Here you can receive information regarding ulpanim and receive your ulpan (school for the intensive study of Hebew) voucher , education benefits, your sal klita (absorption basket OR financial assistance), potential income tax discounts, driver's license information, bituach leumi (Israel's national social security agency), rent subsidies and more.
  • Open a bank account (you cannot receive your Sal Klita payments without one). Please bring your teudat zehut/i.d. card.
  • If you did not sign up for your health insurance at the airport, please bring the form to the post office.
  • Contact Us at the Tel Aviv-Yafo Department for Immigration Absorption to consult about City services, local olim benefits, building your career here, and more.
  • Like and Check our Facebook Page "Olim in Tel Aviv-Yafo" to ensure you stay updated about City happenings, our Olim services and professional network events.
  • Go to the Municipality at Ibn Gvirol 69 to apply for your arnona discount. Eligible olim are entitled to a 5​0% discount on the arnona for up to one year during the first two years from the date of Aliyah. This applies to up to 100 square meters dwelling.
  • While you are at the Municipality, apply for your Digitel Card (Resident's Card) at Municipality. It is free, and will provide you discounts for many of the City's offerings.
  • Go to Municipal to enroll children for school/kindergarten. (Gan/Primary school: 03-521-8111; Middle School: 03-521-8045.)​
  • Take your ulpan voucher and visit your ulpan of choice. Take  ulpan placement test.
  • Contact our office so you can receive a portfolio of options to network and jumpstart your career. 
  • For young olim, check out the young adult activities at Mazeh 9's young adult community center at Tel Aviv Young Olim Hub.

  • Enjoy the City! During your first two years you can enjoy free entry to the Tel Aviv Museum of Art (Please bring your teudat oleh), as well as 50% off of classes at community and sports centers.

For more ideas and other possible steps you may need with national Government Offices check out these lists published by the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption.


First Steps in Making Aliyah from abroad
First Steps in Making Aliyah from Israel

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